Creating Faces: Needle Sculpting from the Beginning
Sculpting faces can be a challenge for some. Needle sculpting faces can be even harder. Thankfully Creating Faces: Needle Sculpting from the Beginning makes it easy with step by step instructions.
Sculpting faces can be a challenge for some. Needle sculpting faces can be even harder. Thankfully Creating Faces: Needle Sculpting from the Beginning makes it easy with step by step instructions.
Sculpting faces can be a challenge for some. Needle sculpting faces can be even harder. Thankfully Creating Faces: Needle Sculpting from the Beginning makes it easy with step by step instructions.
Take you clay craft to the next level with this book. The author provides a master class in this book that will help you better understand how to create figurative sculpture. Intensive and comprehensive, you’ll gain new skills to create beautiful pieces.
Creating Lifelike Figures in Polymer Clay will help artists get the most out of their polymer clay. Stop sculpting snowmen and snakes and step up your game with this instructional sculpting book.
One of the most complete and easiest ‘How to’ books is now even better. Handbuilt Pottery Techniques Revealed extended edition has more lessons, more illustrations and more techniques than ever before.
This project-driven guide is perfect for both potters and hobbyists alike. Concentrating on surface processes, this book will walk you through letterpress, print-making, and more!
If you’re into sculpting the consider getting Fast Faces by Jonni Good. This instructional caly working book makes it fun and easy to learn how to produce fast faces. From fantasy to realism,it’ll walk you through it all.
There’s more to pottery and ceramics than meets the eye.  Science for Potters gives readers a deeper understanding into the world of ceramics. From chemical composition to temperature reactions, this books answers the why to your how when it comes to pottery.
Where not going to lie. We want this book. Kiln Construction: A Brick by Brick Approach by Joe Finch shows you step by step how to build your own kiln. Great for bargain hunters and do it yourselfers.
Youtube potter sensation, Simon will guide you through using the wheel. This comes along with a dvd filled with tutorials to ensure you’ve got the right technique. Perfect for all levels.
Like a cook book but for ceramicists, this book is filled with tried and true recipes. A must have in any potter’s collection, this guide will give you the low down on all high fire glazes.Â
We’ve all thought about it at one time or another, “Why don’t I make my own cups and plates?” This practical book will teach you how to create your perfect house ware pieces that will last for years with that special handmade touch.
All you potter’s out there, you got to pick up this book. If you need to make identical pieces, you’ll need to make a mold. And this is the definitive guide that will give you the tools needed to do just that.
You have the basics down, now take your slabs, coils, and more to the next level. Templates, replicating pieces, molds, lidded vessels, and more are all covered in this how-to guide. You’ll be a pro hand-builder after this.
Paper clay allows for freedom and creative that you may not find with traditional clay. It’s workable through all stages of the creative process. This is a comprehensive guide that will give you the foundation to expertly work in paper clay.
If you’ve ever thought about working on a potter’s wheel you need to get this book. It’s full of everything you need to know to get on your way as the next best potter!
Not only for beginners, this book is great for seasoned artists. It’s a comprehensive book that covers all ceramic techniques. You got to have this book in your collection!
If you loved playing with action figures or dolls growing up then making your own is a no brainier. Pop Sculpture teaches you step by step how to create amazing action figures and collectible figurines.
Who says you need a big expensive kiln to fire your clay? This book will guide you through creating alternative kilns. Achieve new effects and explore new techniques with this book.
You’ve been wanting to get creative right? But clay can be intimidating. Don’t know where to start? Well, pick up this great guide for beginners and start sculpting today! You’ll get tips, tricks, and inspiration in this book!
Have you always wanted to learn how to sculpt faces in clay? This book is just the ticket! It will show you step by step how to achieve the realistic features you crave to produce!
A must have for any ceramicist, this book is a comprehensive guide to glaze. Ensure you get the finish you want with the techniques and recipes in this book. You’ll reference this all the time!
Want to learn how to throw on the wheel but don’t know where to start? This comprehensive guide takes you through from start to finish. It covers everything you need to start creating beautiful pottery.
Figurative sculpture has taken a backseat in recent years at art school. This book attempts to bridge that gap. It’s a goldmine of technical information. You’ll take your art to the next level with this guide.
This book is great for both amateur and professional potters. It’s chalk full with time-saving tips, trade secrets, and new technical knowledge. Easy to follow and learn.
This book provides a way to see, to make, and to think about the forms of wheel-thrown vessels. Make the mechanics of throwing and finishing pots simple.
You will learn all the basics and mechanics of wheel-thrown ceramics in this book. You’ll have nine projects and by the end you’re sure to be a pro!
The technique is simple and the results are gorgeous! This book has an array of projects that are perfect for both beginners and ceramicists. What is also great is that some of these projects can be made with air dry clay, no kiln required!
As advertised, this book is THE BOOK when it comes to anything and everything ceramics. It’s comprehensive and exhaustive, you won’t be missing a thing with this book.
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